

Please sign the guestbook! Thoughts, feedback, comments are all appreciated. 


  1. I find these reflections a really interesting way to think about how we change and grow with different experiences in life.

    Although I am not in medical school, I can relate to the way your experiences have affected you.

    I'm looking forward to the next post!

  2. Really interesting, sometimes provocative thoughts about life as a medical student, and real life. There is the genesis of a book in the posts on this blog. Keep it up, Raman!
    John L

  3. Hi!

    I really enjoy hearing your experiences through this blog. As a person who aspires to enter the medical field one day, I find the posts immensely useful! I was wondering if you could maybe do a more thorough post about your undergrad years? Like what you were involved in and such. I am going to be going into university in the fall and would love to hear any advice you have to throw my way!

  4. I really enjoy reading your reflections on your blog. I think you are a very insightful person. You have a wonderful talent and I hope you continue to write.

  5. Just wanted to say that I am quite mesmerized by the quality and emotions you place into your blog posts.

  6. Hey Raman! Randomly came across your blog. I'm a nursing student at Mac so I know how painfully nerve-wracking it is to go into a patient's room for the first time and get to work. I hope you've become more comfortable! Thank you for sharing this and good luck in your endeavors :)

  7. Thank you so much for sharing the link to your blog with us! Its amazing! I've just spent the last hour thoroughly digesting every word on there and then another contemplating the significance of so many of your posts. Wow! Really! I am BEYOND impressed with the sensitivity you've shown and expressed towards your patients. A lot of the books I've been reading and some of the discussions I've had previously with med students/physicians portray the patient almost as a bag of problems. Something to be fixed as quickly/efficiently as possible with due regard for the patient's comfort but not more. Yet through your posts the real human side of medicine comes out. I hope that someday I'll be able to interact with patients with as much sensitivity and empathy as you.

  8. Hey, thanks for sharing your blog! I really enjoyed reading about your experiences at McMaster Med. :)

  9. I was really touched by the blogs, especially "A Summer of Transformation". Blogs like this one motivate me to keep trying to get into medicine. Reading your success story (seeing that hard work and determination does pay off) inspires me to keep going. Thank you and all the best! I am sure the Canadian healthcare system is thankful as well.

  10. I just wanted you to know I've been reading through your blog and it's been a delight. There are a lot of smart people in medicine, but the thoughtful ones are slightly harder to find.

  11. "Grace Under Pressure" was so beautiful. I have a similar story of my grandparents and I always wondered what motivated my grandfather to provide such good care for my grandma, even through her extreme moods and uncharacteristic behaviour. I think you said it right, its an innate sense of loyalty and supportive caregivers like the man you described above are true heroes. I just stumbled upon your blog yesterday and love it. Kindness is the most important thing in the world, in my opinion, and I love your observations and thoughts...they are very kind. :)

  12. You have a wonderful way with words! The Cloud Messenger post was very romantic; your parents have an incredible story and they both seem like wonderful people. I enjoyed reading it very much :)

  13. Great blogging Raman. You're truly a wonderful writer.

  14. Your blog is amazing. What a beautiful piece of work. I am blown away.

  15. Hey Raman,

    Thank you for sharing the blog with me. I remember my parents remarking what a fantastic writer you had become ( in addition to being an awesome doctor) but this really seals the deal. So hi to Sonia for me and hope we get to see each other sometime in the future.


  16. Hi Raman,

    I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your writing. We've never met, but I stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and I've read most of your posts since then. As an aspiring doctor still toiling away at my undergrad degree, I've been inspired and motivated by your honest and insightful reflections. Not sure if you're still blogging at all but I hope everything is going well in clerkship!


  17. Raman, I am touched and inspired by your beautiful words of wisdom about medicine, love and loss. I hope this finds you well. Please return to blogging.
